Refund and Returns Policy

As a provider of personalized healing and spiritualism consultations, our business focuses on delivering intangible services tailored to individual needs. Due to the personalized and intangible nature of our offerings, including healing and spiritualism consultations, we do not offer refunds, even in the event of a client no-show for a scheduled session. Furthermore, as our services do not involve the shipment of physical products, we do not have a shipping policy. Similarly, since our services are primarily non-tangible, there is no exchange policy in place. We prioritize client satisfaction and encourage individuals with any concerns or inquiries to reach out to us at for assistance.


Please note that we do not offer refunds for our services. Due to the personalized and often intangible nature of our offerings, such as healing and spiritual consultations, we are unable to provide refunds once a service has been rendered.

Additionally, if a client fails to attend a scheduled session (“no-show”), we do not offer refunds for the missed appointment.


Given the nature of our services, which primarily involve non-tangible offerings such as healing and spiritual consultations, we do not have an exchange policy. Our services are provided based on individual consultations and sessions, and there are no physical products involved that would necessitate an exchange.

Shipping returns

As we do not offer shipment of physical products through this website, we do not have a shipping return policy. Our services are provided digitally or through non-tangible means, and thus, there are no physical products to be shipped or returned.

Need help?

Contact us at for questions related to refunds and returns.

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